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How to Clean the Bottom of a Burned Pot?

When the bottom of the pot is burned, it can be hard to clean, and sometimes the stains won't come out no matter what. Well, how about cleaning the burns in a way that doesn't hurt your pot and is useful? Even the best pot can become useless if it gets broken in the kitchen. Burned pots are hard to clean, especially the bottoms, and they smell bad. Because of this, it is very important to act fast and clean the burn as soon as possible. There are several good ways to deal with this. How does an air fryer work? How to wash? How can you bring your dull jewelry back to life at home? 

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When you need to clean a pot that has been burned, the first thing to do is to act before the burns get too cold. Pour boiling water over the burns, add some soap, and turn on the bottom of the stove. This will keep the burns from getting dry and sticking together. 



When the detergent water starts to boil, use a wooden spoon to slowly take out the burned parts. At this point, it is very important not to use metal spoons because you will damage your pot a lot. This is the best way to clean pots that have been burned, but it only gets rid of most of the stains. If your pot is still burned after this step, you can try something else. How to Clean Pots Where the Bottom Stays


1. Baking soda: One of the most effective methods that does not contain chemicals is baking soda. After the water in the pot that had been boiling has cooled and been poured out, add one tea glass of baking soda and mix it with three glasses of water. 



As soon as the baking soda covers the bottom of the pot, it will start to react, making the burns less painful. Then put this back on the stove and bring it back to a boil. As the mixture of water and baking soda boils, uva.


2. Vinegar: Vinegar is also a natural way to clean. Because it is acidic, it can get rid of even the most stubborn stains, and it can also make your pot shine. Pour white vinegar over the burns in the pot, and if you want, mix in some baking soda. 



Add enough water to dilute and soften the vinegar, then let it boil for about 30 minutes. In the meantime, use a wooden spoon or brush to remove the dirt that has softened at the bottom of the pot without scratching it. If these methods aren't enough or you want to get the job done faster, you can use a degreaser. But don't forget that degreasers have a lot of chemicals in them and shouldn't be breathed in too much. Spray some degreaser on the burns and let it sit there for 5 minutes. Then add some water and let it boil once more. As it boils, gently begin to scrape off the dirt.


3. Lemon and Salt: When lemon and salt combine, they form a structure that quickly gets rid of stains. Pour 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into the pot, and then let it sit for 30 minutes. Once the spots have softened, you can use a sponge to gently scrape them off. 



How can the outside of the pot be cleaned? 

When too much fire hits the outside of the pan, it can sometimes get darker. In some cases, metal can change color or get stained. These are easy to clean and can be done in many useful ways. Also, if you want to know how to clean a burned pot, this is a good way to start. Baking soda and vinegar can be used together to clean the stains. First, sprinkle baking soda on the outside of the pot and add vinegar to it. This mixture will start to foam and take off stains when it reacts. After that, use a sponge to clean the outside of the pot well. It will look bright and clean.



Because vinegar and lemon are acidic, you can use them to clean pots and kettles that are stained or have limescale on them. For example, if the inside of your kettle gets hard, leave lemon peels that have been squeezed out in it overnight. The next morning, use the lemon peel to scrape the kettle well. All of the stains will come out. 

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